50ReasonsToHateTheFrench.co.uk - Humorous book on France and French history, by Jules Eden & Alex Clarke

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50 Reasons to Hate the French

You always knew it was true but you couldn't be sure.

You always guessed it was something like this but never dared ask.

Now, for the first time ever, you can read the truth about our friends and cousins across the Channel, the French.

There's never been a book like it before. Fifty exhaustively researched, wittily written articles on France and Frenchness. It's all in here, from personal hygiene to French pop to Napoleon's shortcomings to Europe's tallest suicide magnet, the Eiffel Tower.

Want to know France's ten greatest military defeats? They're listed inside.

Want to know just how safe the Citroen 2CV is?


Want to understand how Jean Paul Sartre used existentialism to prove that bathing was unnecessary?


And every fact, quote and statistic inside it is absolutely true - or at least we found it somewhere relatively trustworthy.

Judge for yourself.

"50 REASONS TO HATE THE FRENCH" is everything you'll ever need to know - and be appalled to learn - about France.


What the critics are saying

…lots more will buy Jules Eden's and Alex Clarke's funny new book Fifty Reasons to Hate the French to read in their gîtes this summer…

The Independent on Sunday - July 9th 2006

This admirably intemperate book gives the nation of Cresson and Chirac and Elf and the egregious Enarques a spirited kick in the Jean-Paul Sartres. Ouff! Zut! Merde! They're wrong about French food and the wine, though…

Quentin Letts, The Daily Mail Columnist & Commentator - June 30th 2006

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